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Auto-summarising and tallying game sheet

I’ve been using variants of this spreadsheet over the past decade or so when scorekeeping games. This was shared here early in the 2022/23 season as the EIHA were moving toward Spordle Play for official game records. It has been mostly used with Microsoft Excel for Mac, most recently tested with version 16.68 although has been shown to work with earlier versions as well as relatively modern version of the application on Windows.

The main tab (“Game Sheet”) is based on Clive Moore’s original design as prevalent since I first got involved with the sport. The sheet calculates per period, player and netminder summary statistics automatically.

The second tab (“Keeper Krib”) is intended to be printed-out and used by time- and scorekeepers as a scratch-pad where needed, e.g. at rinks where it isn’t convenient to have a tablet or laptop in the box, or where keepers prefer to work with pen-and-paper first and technology second.

Game Sheet Instructions

  • Only enter data into cells with GREY backgrounds. Other cells are calculated based on values you enter into these cells.
  • ALL TIMES ARE “COUNT-DOWN” TIMES, i.e. time shown as remaining in a period based on clocks that count down from the start of the period.
  • Enter times as HOURS colon MINUTES colon SECONDS. e.g. a game event at fourteen minutes and three seconds remaining on the clock should be entered as 0:14:3, which Excel will render as 14:03.
  • If a netminder ices without leaving for the entire game, either enter 1:0:0 or 0:60:0 in their Time on Ice (TOI) row. Note that Spordle Play calculates netminder time-on-ice from game events entered without the time- or scorekeepers having to do any manual calculations. This is why the “Starter” role is important in the roster selection and why the Pull/Swap/Return events need to be captured correctly.
  • When capturing times of events, enter the period number (OT for overtime, SO for shoot-out) and then the TIME REMAINING ON THE CLOCK (for rinks whose clocks count down to zero. If your rink counts up - here’s lookin’ at you, Telford - then, sorry, you’ve got some math to do. If it’s any consolation, every other timekeeper in the country has been doing that conversion for the last few decades…). The Elapsed colum will auto-fill based on the competition settings in the GAME DETAILS section of the worksheet.
  • For games won in shoot-out there is no need to enter a time, just enter “SO” as the period. You don’t need to record a GWS player or virtual player, either, as no playing statistics are awarded for shoot-out wins.
  • Check the gutter section underneath the GOAL CODES. Any goal or penalty event that refers to a player not listed will result in this space showing red text (e.g. AWAY ASSISTS) indicating either the player line-up is wrong or the event detail is wrong.
  • In the PIM column, only record 2, 5, 10, or 20 for minor, major, misconduct, or game misconduct penalty respectively. (Note: Season 23/24 saw the removal of the MATCH penalty).
  • When a player other than that against whom a penalty is called sits the time “on the clock”, put their jersey number in the served-by (Srv) column for the penalty.
  • Any Major, Misconduct, or Game Misconduct penalty event will result in the “FAO Discipline” box at the bottom-right of the sheet showing a clear annotation.

Keeper Krib instructions

The Keeper Krib sheet is an evolution of a paper sheet that we’ve been using over the past few years as a “scratch pad” for time- and score-keepers as well as the road sin bin at our rink, as it’s usually the bin official that the referee talks to.

The top boxes cover match officials, the “keepers” (score, time, goal judges); game coordinates including scheduled face-off (FO), actual face-off time (AFO), and event end time (EET); and netminder shirt numbers, shots per period, total shots and goals against (GA).

The left-hand gutter is used to keep track of whether players on the game roster actually take to the ice so that the scorekeeper has an aid when checking for scratches after first puck-drop in the second period. It also has a tally box for keeping track of goals scored by individual players so that the announcer can big-up hat-tricks, or for “colour” (“scoring her second of the game…”).

The main bulk of the sheet is intended to capture the game events as they happen in sequence. Depending on how the time keeper prefers to work, either scribble-in the period number and clock-time remaining, or capture the game elapsed time and work backward from there. H/A to capture which team, Event as a place to capture the new scoreboard score (e.g. 1-0 if the event is the first goal of the game and it was scored by the home team).

The next set of columns (GOAL/NETTY EVENT) is where scorers, assists, the netminder scored upon and the type of goal are captured for goals, or for netminder pulls, swaps or end-of-period shot capture, the details as needed (e.g. H GK 30/EN is how I record Renny Marr being pulled as an event).

The PENALTY EVENT columns capture who was assessed the penalty (On), who sits it on the clock where different (e.g. for bench minors, Server), the duration, the penalty code abbreviation, the start and end time if not “natural” (e.g. stacked penalties whose start times will differ; minors that end early because of a power-play goal against, etc.). A checkbox for whether the penalty is treated as coincidental with other penalties and thus not on the time clock (Coinc?), whether a goal was scored on the penalty (GA, which I typically only use for minors on the clock, i.e. PPGA). The Return column is used as an aid for timekeepers and sin bin officials when dealing with penalties that are not on the clock and which require a stoppage in play before the penalised player is eligible to return, such as those serving coincidental minor or majors, or misconducts.

Finally, the Spordled? column is used as a checkbox for when the scorekeeper has input the event in the scoresheet app in Spordle Play.

Not all time- and score-keepers work the same way, but this system has served us well over the past couple of decades.

Example fixture



This article was updated removing Spordle-specific instructions given the EIHA abandoned plans to adopt that solution in the close season after 2022/23.